
Tell it like it is

TILIS provides information and analysis on the Future of the EU. The focus is on citizens. If political institutions, public policies and European cooperation do not serve citizens, then their usefulness has to be questioned. TILIS therefore offers an interactive platform where EU citizens and entities can examine, and develop action programs, on the issues concerning them. The issues range from ongoing matters such as Brexit, the democratic deficit in Europe, austerity and its costs, to trends that are shaping the future, such as digitalization, environmental care, and social integration. In every case, we offer our synthesis of what is happening and where things are going. European citizens need their stories for today and tomorrow, and TILIS helps to shape them.

Information sources

TILIS draws on information sources that are public, including governmental and intergovernmental reports, work by think tanks, surveys and assessments by business associations, and the efforts of researchers, scholars and citizen groups. We make every effort to ensure the information is accurate, and up to date when published.


Our logo, Diogenes Lantern, harks back to the great searcher for truth in Ancient Greece. Often the truth is like a jigsaw puzzle where the pieces may or may not fit together. So we use elements from many different places in trying to establish what is going on. Our objectivity consists in managing all the elements independently of their political color.


Europe is an uncertain place, where it’s rare for much time to pass without another shock upending established ways of thinking and acting. Our aim is to work with you to try and be pro-active and not merely re-active. That is why TILIS is interactive. All of us want to Tell It Like It Is.